The HACC Foundation is deeply grateful to Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation Inc. for a generous grant to enhance the emergency medical services (EMS) and fire service training units at HACC’s Senator John J. Shumaker Public Safety Center (PSC) in Harrisburg.
With these funds, HACC’s EMS unit was able to bring a high level of simulation training to EMS students in rural areas without the fear of pandemic-related concerns that arise with the use of patient actors. In addition, this project allowed EMS students to learn proper techniques for lifting and moving patients through practice on the same equipment found in ambulances.
Our students use this equipment daily to learn how to treat and move patients involved in all kinds of medical and rescue scenarios. This equipment is used by all levels of EMS students, including those in HACC’s Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Paramedic and Prehospital Nursing (PHRN) programs.
This grant also funded new firefighting nozzles that have made an immediate impact on our fire training students. Our students use this up-to-date training equipment almost daily in preparing for firefighting careers.
Attached are photos of various EMS students using enhanced equipment in their classes and our 72nd HACC Fire Academy cadets loading hoses with new nozzles onto the firetruck for training activities.